Thursday, March 6, 2008

sorry for the lack of posts....

the last few weeks has been hectic, i moved to another state, and i have an art opening on friday that i am totally not prepared for. once things are back to normal i will start up this roller coaster again.




P.S. Hellllooooooooooo DUCKO!


roy barclay said...

Where'd you move to?

Ducko said...

Hey "Ron".Nice to see the Historic properties, historic places.I just got an SNES emulator for the PC, and have Uniracer running, I just cant figure out the controls.

Ducko said...

Which State? Mt. Holly, NJ, behind taco bell?

Ron Hogan said...

i moved to palmyra for now, in route to mount holly. im trying to buy a house there. so it should take a month or 2 to get it going.

Ducko said...

Hey Robbie,
Can you call me man,I need your help man.609-247-5120 I'll help you move.

Bsmooth said...

I need a question answered... i've been looking for Rich Kiple since 2001- he called me from San Fran after 911 and we lost touch- and I know he lived on rodman in Philly. If yoou know anything about him- if he's around... or not please contact me. THANKS