Thursday, March 6, 2008

sorry for the lack of posts....

the last few weeks has been hectic, i moved to another state, and i have an art opening on friday that i am totally not prepared for. once things are back to normal i will start up this roller coaster again.




P.S. Hellllooooooooooo DUCKO!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Name change

for obvious reasons, im using a different name. This was my name i used for the cops when they asked for it. i had a full backround & address made up or this name. so i figured it would work well for this.... besides Chuck U. Farley was in use.

1335 part II: good times.... dark times...a new beginning

1335 can have unlimited amounts of stories. so im gonna toss a few more out there.

UNIRACER. anyone that stayed there knows what im talking about. Uniracer was an N64 game that we basically played CONSTANTLY. it really never was shut off. We all had that damn game wired. i think i might actually go buy and N64 just to play this again. It was that fun. at one point i decided i wanted to see what would happen with sleep deprivation. Native americans did it, so i wanted to see what would happen. so i set out to stay up as long as i could. I basically survived on jolt & Uniracer. i swear i could just stay up if i was playing that game. I lasted 3 and a half days. this is still my personal record for staying awake. I know i will never beat it. I can hardly do 24 hours now. At first it was fine. but by day 2.5 i was starting to lose my mind a little bit. Things wernt making much sense and not much mattered. But i had Uniracer. As long as i kept playing i could stay awake. I made a decision to go to sleep after 3.5 days because it was like noon or something. i was hanging out with dave R and someone else. I looked at them 100% serious and asked "is it raining in here?" They looked at me and laughed....and said "no". I then said "i think i need to get to sleep. This shits fucked up." That was my end of a science experiment of the mind. I was genuinely curious as to what would happen in my head. Maybe it was because i was SXE and surrounded by so many drugs and what not. But i wanted a mental journey none the less. Im still a little bummed all i saw was rain indoors.

Speaking of mental journeys, one of our roomates had a major one. This was when they started experimenting with acid and those sorts. I always enjoyed watching them trip. it was a fun time for me. I got real good at fucking with them when they were tripping. Not in a bad way. in a real funny way. This time i had nothing to do with it. he went on a real bad trip. This was the only time i witnessed a bad trip. and i can imagine its one of the most fucked up things you could have. anyhow. he came in and he was rocking back and forth telling us "i know why we are here" and he was dead serious. "i know why we are here...and im not supposed to know!" "im not allowed to know." he was really scared because he knew the answer to life. he 100% believed he knew. he was scared...and we were scared for him, it was really intense. Then he got to the point where he was saying "i shouldnt be alive, im not supposed to know this." this is where we got really concerned. Then he started looking for a knife. he wanted to kill himself for knowing, to the point of i had to tackle him and stop him. This was a fucked up thing to witness and be a part of. he actually was losing his mind, and i feared for his life. we had to stay with him till the trip calmed down and things got back to normal. This was one of the first scary moments of my life. it was all new to me. i had been around people doing drugs and acid before, but nothing like this. i honestly think if we werent there he would have tried to kill himself.

on to a happier up. Paintballs.
Jeff ducko brought a paint ball gun to the house when he moved in. if you are ever at broad and rodman st, and you look on the side of 1335 rodman, in the top third floor back there is a window. That was corys room. We set up a chair there to sit and snipe people on broad st. we would sit and do this for hours. or at least till someone was trying to beat our door down because we got a good head shot. we then got to the point where we were sniping people walking in front of the house. there was a drive way thing next to the building. so if someone was walking down rodman to broad st they would be in target for like 5 seconds before they got out of view. what we did was took the phone off the hook, had the gunner upstairs on the phone, an the watcher on the front steps. we would act like we were talking to someone and tell the gunner when hey were about to be in range. "ok...5...4...3...2....1...SHOOT" haha it ruled. me and ducko would do this over and over again. the hard part was trying to keep a straight face while setting someone up that was walking past you to get shot with a paintball gun. and not break out laughing. you just had to act like you didnt even notice it happened. funtimes. Ducko was awesome.

C-lo.... C-lo is a dice game with 3 dice. we played this A LOT. i remember one time in particular we were in front of the house on a super sunny day. it was nice out. we were just all chillin and playing dice. cory had a sick collection of old cameras. she was a really good photographer. probably the first person that i ever got into pictures as photography through. before that it was all just pictures. her stuff i looked at as art. you could say it was a point where i made the difference in my head.... anyhow. she went up and got this old box camera and took some photos of us playing dice. i still have one of the photos somewhere. i'll have to find it and ad it to this post. Its not really an interesting story, but an important one for me. It was just a good day, and i like to remember those sometimes.

The Jizzard. This is a person that needs some explanation. He was called the Jizzard because we thought he was half Jester, and half Wizzard. He had a really hard life. probably harder than most anyone i know. He grew up poor as hell. he was the product of a rape. He was a good dude trapped in a bad life. he got heavy into drugs and drinking. he was one of the funniest dudes i can remember from back then. he was a decent skateboarder from what i can remember too. one time he was drunkard as hell and passed out in the movie chairs we had. like wicked passed out. he full on pissed himself. we all watched it happen. WOW, like full on pissed him self. like a movie piss. it was AWESOME. his name for a little while after that was PIZZARD. yeah it was funny. I always liked him he just seemed like a genuine person that just had a tough break. he was actually there and part of the lowest moment of my life. one of the only things i regret. after i got out of the hospital i quit doing construction. I had been selling dialers and what not for extra money. but when i was jobless, i needed that extra money to survive. so i started doing more and more illegal things. keep in mind i was like 22 or something. I really had no morals up until this point. right and wrong didnt have many limits for me. I had done lots of shoplifting in the past. like some major stuff. so drifting back into doing these things wasnt a far cry for me. I started dealing dialers to the cop shop people. these were dudes that worked at the bodega at 13th and lombard. it was called the cop shop because the dudes dad was an ex cop. so it was basically an untouchable place. they did all sorts of illegal shit out of there. drugs, guns, whatever. is started dealing with them selling dialers. they hooked me up with a guy gill that was doing chipped cell phones. He was an ex israeli army dude. Sketchy as shit, and scary as fuck. but he liked me a lot. I started dealing cell phones and he was chipping them for me. i was paying bums to break into cars or get phones out of taxis. these were the old motorola flip phones if you remember. i would pay $25 a phone from the bums, bring it to gill to get chipped for a month of free calls, for $25... take the whole thing and sell it for $250, and then $50 per month to keep it on. Needless to say i was making good loot just off of that. i was also selling $100 kinko copy cards for $10. and doing a little shoplifting here and there. this was a bad time for me. i was doing whatever i had to to survive. i just got deeper and deeper with out noticing it. it really was like a drug. it was fun and exciting, but not a good thing by any means. back to Jizzard. like 2 months after i moved out of 1335 i think Jizzard moved in. me and cory moved like 2 blocks away to right behind U arts dorms. in the corner of 15th and waverly. at like 4AM one morning Jizzard came looking for me. he said he knew a house loaded with stuff that some shitty drug dealer ravers had and none of them were there. one of them had owed him money for a bad deal or something, and he wanted my help breaking in. so i did it. i had to climb into a second floor window by climbing a tree. and jumping off the branch to the window and pulling myself in. it was NOT easy. Once i got in the room had a bunch of stuff in it, BUT it was locked from the outside of the door. i then had to kick in the door to get out. we basically pillaged the house for whatever. got some credit cards and guitar amps.. we were waking the stuff to my at with cory at like 6 AM. it started getting light out. The next morning by like *am cory woke up. and was like "WTF" she knew what was going on and wasnt surprised. She didnt ask...and she didnt want to know details. This was the lowest point of my life. i fully regretted it the next day. even if it was some shitty drug dealing ravers. I had no right to do what ever i wanted. this was a huge "turning point" in my life. I realized that my actions effect people, and i needed to do positive things. This was not who i was and i was scared of going deeper into that world. even if i was SXE it doesnt mean im a good person. I think im a good person at heart, i was just losing track of who i was. I needed to fix this. I didnt want to end up in jail. and i didnt want to be a bad person. i stopped doing anything drastic like that. i had started chipping cable boxes fr a bit, and stopped that. at one point i was selling blank birth certificates...but thats a whole different story for another day. i still did some things like dialers and chipped cell phones. i stopped credit card scams after those i got from that house. The final straw was 2 days after i got some phones done from gill. i had been at his apt at 21st and south getting them done during one of his insane partys. I think justin moulder went with me to this. he told me i could fuck his cousin for $200.... haha i was like ..uhhh nah im good, thanks though. anyhow. 2 days after that gill got busted by the feds. he was gone. he had been doing all the merlinos cell phones in south philly. i knew dude was connected. but DAMN. his house obviously was under watch when i had been there doing "business" and i knew i was on some tape somewhere i didnt want to be.

that was it... i was out. FUCK this...what the fuck am i doing with my life. at this point i was living at 314, and i needed a new start. and i needed the fuck out of this bad shit. i was not who i wanted to be. so i quit all of it cold turkey. i stopped doing i think everything but dialers. This is about the time i booked my first HC show in philly. I wanted to put my energy towards something positive.

Here is where i ask for help with this thing

So i have gotten a SHIT TON of awesome feedback for this Blog. i never even thought this many people would be into this. for me it was just an outlet. but it seems people want me to keep typing away. what im asking is if you were a part of any of these stories. please post in the comments section about other stories. i either didnt elaborate on or might have forgotten about. we can really have fun with this. these are some of the best times of my life, and probably yours... im sure i forgot a lot of details. so help me jog my memory and to help everyone enjoy more. This shit will be lost over time. so shore people...Huff, Kwi, Nate, Kaypek, jarrod, ducko, anthony, messer, jim, AJ's, brian, flo, amy, frank, scratch, marly, sailor, kiple, joshish, MIKE!(OH YEAH!), Craig Idlewild, Troll SXE, Dave, AL, Ed, JG........and whoever else might eventually ready this. Post comments & stories. same for 1335 people. and where ever else this Blog goes. Eventually i will make it to present times, like Funrama stories & eating pizza with joes family. anyhow thanks to all for reading and enjoying our crazy past .


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

1335 Rodman st. Phila,PA & death

This house was an unstable mess of people. Drugs were in, SXE was limited, Uniracer was the game to play. I moved in about 3 months after i got back from Salt Lake. I didnt have a room, i just kinda floated around to different beds when they weren't occupied. I had a dresser in Seans room that i kept all my crap in. I was working in NJ doing construction so i wasn't around to much during the week. Taking the patco every morning kinda sucked in the winter. Coming home to a blazing mess of spilled beer and all night partys wasnt the best either. But i had fun living there. When i first moved in Sean was still SXE. or at least one of the times. He flip flopped a few times before he fully stopped being Edge. So i ended up being the last of a dying breed in that house. All was good, i didnt really care. at this point i realized i was SXE for my own personal choice, and they did too. It never affected our friendships. We did a few shows in the basement once in a while. I remember crud played there and it was more like a house party than a show. Ducko lived on the other couch. He had decided to take his check book and write about $10,000 worth of bad checks in his own name. So at this point he was homeless and jobless, and basically trying to stay under the radar. I was doing the construction thing, and doing dialers and smaller scams once in a while to earn extra cash. It was the winter and construction always slows down. Sean started this band with Don from frail called Mandella Strikeforce. Kind of a precursor to Ink & Dagger. They were a great band totally doing something different. If you can find the demo or split 7" online i suggest checking it out. Don hung out at the house a lot. Rich Kiple lived there early on. He was the guy that i met my first day of high school and he got me into SXE. we both skated, so we ended up hanging out and he took me to shows. Dave Rosenberg i think moved in after rich left. Dave was getting heavy into drugs at this point. Lots of acid and trying different things. Sean started bringing home crazy weed. I remember him bring home one called G-13 it was some crazy government weed. It had a smell that made your eyes water. and it was like a little crystalized ball. there was such a high content of THC crystals that it looked like it was made of glass. Ducko started growing weed in the closet upstairs when he got a room. I remember he got these books on how to grow it. and he got really into it. e had a crazy timed light system and come airflow system in the closet. He was a pretty nuts dude in general. he was constant funtimes for all. Steve Huff lived there also i think he shared a room with maybe Jay Kwi. i forget. Huff was a skateboarder from Tabernacle, NJ around from where i grew up. He was a funny motherfucker, We had lots of good times. I remember one time he was WAYYYY wasted and couldnt drive his truck back from a party we were at. so i drove. I didnt have a license at the time,a nd he was in the back seat with his girlfriend amy. They were both ripped beyond belief. There was some random dude in the back of he truck in the cargo area. Now picture this scenerio. Im driving, dude in the way back behind huff and amy. dude in the passenger seat and me driving with no license. The windows are getting all fogged up, and i look back and steve is fucking amy in the back seat. all i see is steves ass in missionary position. then to top it off i hear what will become a long standing joke from that point on. amy says "STEVE FUCK ME HARDCORE!" hahah wow, the whole whole truck started laughing. im at a red light and the dude in the front seat says "i cant fucking deal with this, and gets out of the truck. he gets into someone elses car. meanwhile steve is still drunkinly banging out amy in the back seat. Yeah steve was good times. Amy was a nice girl too.

haha i just rememberd , at that party i convinced her that i had a twin brother name Ron. I would change my jacket and take off my hat and go up to her and ask if she saw my brother Robby. i did this all night, and kept the joke going on for like a year or 2.

I think this is also the show that Han Solo Solo played. This was a band with scott "scratch" palmuchi singing and Tony "dreed" rettman playing bass or guitar. everytime they played i would get into a fake fight with tony. i think it actually started at this show. when they were playing i was throwing beer cans at tony. and we just ended up fighting... not for real, but we made it look real. It was funny. when they played middlesex one time we got into a full on brawl with eachother... it looked real and it was awesome.

anyhow im drifting off. 1335. Crud wrote a song about this house called "rodday". the lyrics are this:

We are B. Paid, We are the dutch, We are Kano, We are BTT.
We aint payin We aint stayin...thirteen thirty five.

In the demo there is an explaination for the song:
Last year, which resided many cult member. This house was believed to inhabit a certain energy nd sure enough, if you were there for any reason, you left different. This song is about friendship amongst cult members, and destroying a house. enjoy!

B.paid, the duthe, Kano & BTT were all "crews" we made up for some funny reason or whatever. BTT actually started out as a grafitti crew with Nope & Sero. Sero was Seans Tag after he stopped being SXE. it was Straight Edge Revenge = SER. then he broke edge he added Once on the end of it. it was a funny joke at the time. so yeah he was now SERO. Kano spawned from playing Mortal Kombat when it first came out. We even had Tshirts that nathan made. I was decent, but Ducko, jay Kwi, Sean were amazing at it. and even better than all of them was Seans little brother Brian Mccabe. He was a god at it. there wasnt an arcade he couldn't destroy in. Dutch and Bpaid were just something that happened randomly one night at a party or some shit. who knows. it was all just fun.

This house did change anyone that went there. I almost died in it. and im not exaggerating at all. The story goes.......

I was working out doors doing construction in NJ this winter. I had a cold but kept going to work. i kept getting sicker and sicker. i guess eventually for got bronchitis. But yet i still had my work ethic and kept going to work. We were doing new work at the time doing roofing and siding. I was at work coughing up blood on this COOL day. it was an actual like 3 F, but with wind chill it was like -22F. Not good if you have bronchitis i suppose. my boss said i was too sick to be doing this so he dropped me off at my moms (we were working near there) for the day and picked me up on his way back. i got home that night and went to sleep. Now for the next 27 hours i was in a halucinating mess of being sorta awake and mostly asleep. so i dont really know what happened. I remember vern coming over and talking to me and when he closed the door a huge iron block hit me in the face and knocked me out. Vern never came over that day. I imagined it all. at one point i remember looking outside and all the buildings looked like a fat albert cartoon. like all grafitti looking. another imaginary world moment was when i thought i had been paralyzed in a war involving horses. like a battle in england with knights and catapolts. I remember laying there not being able to move but hearing this chaos outside. it turns out they were jack hammering and doing road work right out front.

over the course of this 27 hours i had woken up in 4 different beds, the kitchen floor, and the shower with cold water running on me, and the couch. i just remember not being able to stay awake no matter what i did. i thought i was dying and couldnt do a thing to prevent it. turns out i was right. after my roomates couldnt find me they went on a hunt for me. i was in huffs bed covered in vomit and sweating like i just got out of a pool. my feet and hands were swollen and my arms and legs had sores on them. I wasnt making sense when i was talking. and when they talked to me i heard the peanuts teacher voice. WAH WAH WHA WAHWAH. and the floor was made of glass so i could see downstairs. Yeah i was out of it. Amy alniki (seans girlfriend) was sitting by my side while they were all arguing what to do. cory decided to call my mother, she told them to have my dad in las vegas talk to me. so they called him. i guess he talked to me and told them to call 911. something wasnt right. when they got there the house was still in party shambles. bongs everywhere, beer spilled and piled up all over. The ambulance guy was convinced i ODed. they were all wrecked off their asses but were telling him i was the only one in the house that was straight... haha he didnt believe them. it was a crazy old city curved stairway. so they couldnt get me out of they with a bed. so they had to slide me down the steps because i couldnt walk.

When i got to the hospital, my mother and her husband showed up. The doctor said i was about 2 hours from death because i had been sweating and throwing up with out drinking anything for over a day. i was that dehydrated i was about to die. I had symptoms of Spinal Menengitis. SO they had to do a Spinal Tap. Now i dont know what you know about this procedure. at the time i knew nothing about it. so i was like OK, go for it. I had t sign a paper saying i was OK with it. fine...they made me curl up into a ball and hold me there as they put a needle up my spine to get fluid. if i moved i could be paralyzed. and your body feels like you are being pumped with 10,000 volts all at once. you are shaking and you cant control anything. it was the most pain i had ever been in. they had to do it 3 TIMES!!!!. fuck that. after the second one i just wanted to die.

They had to quarentene the house in case i had SM for like a week. it turns out my bodys immune system was so battered from being so sick and working outside that i caught a rare virus that only 4 people got in the delaware valley that year. they had specialist come in from all over to look at me. people that vistited me had to be in suits with masks. it was a scary time. on top of that i couldnt walk for like 2 weeks. my muscles had gotten so bad from the virus that they didnt work well. i was in there in intensive care / isolation for like a month. when i got out i walked with a limp for about 2 months. It was a hard time.

That time in the hospital made me think about life a lot. thats when i got out of construction because it wasnt making me happy. i wanted more out of life. being that close to death will effect the rest of your life.

so thats 1335 in a nutshell. it was a crazy time for all. it was just the beginning for philadelphia.

New Bedford Fest

Before i moved to "Rodday" i stayed there a few times on the weekends. One weekend i showed up and sean asked me if i wanted to take a bus to New Bedford ,MA. for a Fest. At the time i was selling Dialers & copy cards, so it seemed like a good way to unload some & see some good bands. So on like 30 min notice i hopped on a bus with Sean. we got the back seat of the bus, you know the uncomfortable one that doesnt lean back. Totally sucked. But we made the best of it. we hung posters up in the back of the bus and made fun of people. yelled at random times in a tourettes sorta manner. threw trash at the people in front of us. I kept walking up to the bus driver to ask "are we there yet?". he was not a fan of our antics. When we arrived up north the bus driver had really had enough of us. he was not happy. nor were the rest of the bus. since we were the last people on the bus we were the last ones out. the entire trip i had planned on stealing the bus somehow. Sean dared me. so as we were walking out i gave sean my camera because i was going to try and move the bus 1 foot. The driver had stepped off and left the bus running. so i sat in the seat and tried my hardest to get the thing moving. but no luck. The driver came over and started yelling at me as i was sitting in his seat. he was PISSED... me and sean just started laughing at him and sean took the photos. Best bus trip ever.

New Bedford fest was one of my first fests i ever went to. Flagman had played it the year before, but i didnt make it up. This was also my first time being further north than NYC. So it was an experience. We both stayed in boston at different places. One of my old friends Becky from back home was going to school at Emerson in Boston, so i stayed on her floor for the weekend. Boston was WAY different than any city i had seen till then. it was WAY clean , and very "white". i felt out of place. Plus staying on campus was weird for me in its self. for example: i saw the old singer (zack) of this band from south NJ, Ideel, walking around holding a gold painted brick & wearing a green bandanna. i was confused. It turns out he was Pledging for a frat. yeah whatever.

The fest was pretty awesome. i met lots of people there that would end up being good friends till this very day. one that sticks out the most is Tre Mcarthy. I just remember seeing this guy that really stood out with blond hair and HUGE ice sickle Plugs in his ears. Then later Sean introduced us. We didnt really talk much, but a year later Tre moved in with us in the 314 N.19th st house. I also met Josh Grabelle there. His table was set up next to mine and he was selling these Straight Edge stickers and his zine "Trustkill". I just remember thinking, "man hes going to make a mint on those stickers" because straight edge stickers were never really made till that point. or i had never seen any. who knows. Scott Biben was also there. i knew him from middlesex shows "back in the day" (in reality it was like 3 years prior, just seemed like a long time ago then) He did a zine called Retrival inc. it was basically about shop lifting and scams. He had wanted to do an interview with me about my shoplifting experiences from back in the city gardens days. Thats a whole different story. I was selling Dialers. For those that dont know Dialers were a device that if you changed the frequency crystal in it , you could program it to make the tone of money in a pay phone. This was a huge part of the early 90's hardcore scene. I had my table set up and scott had his table set up. he was selling crystals to make dialers, i was selling dialers already made. He got pissed because i was making a profit on the dialers i was selling. I was selling them for the going rate of $50. He said i should be selling them for cost. For me it was a way to make money for food so i didnt have to shoplift. Scott was a weird dude, and still is. But who doesnt know that. He was always a nice dude to me, and we got along well. I think this show was the first time i met Rich Elrath. We used to call him "the Wizard" at shows because he looked like he could cast a spell on you. Good person & a nice dude, even if he later got beat up by cleveland for flipping off OLC @ the cleveland fest.

The fest was awesome. Lifetime, Damnation AD, Frail, Chokehold, Converge, Copper, 454 Big Block, and others. Damnation was the band i really wanted to see, it was my first time seeing them. Sean had given me a tape of the hangman 7" telling me i was going to love this band. he was right. i was instantly hooked. They blew me away. I remember during lifetimes set someone stage dove off of the balcony and landed on someones neck and hurt them REAL REAL bad. they got taken away to the hospital.

One night most of the show stayed at one hotel. it was a party of HC kids in every room. just people running around startin shit. Fun times. This was back when i was sorta nuts. i used to jump off of things....A lot. big things. this was the start of it. at the end of the hotel stay as everyone was leaving. i did a roof to roof jump over a walkway that was 2 stories down to 1 story. and across a 15 foot space. somewhere its on video, one of the frail dudes taped it. we had talked about it the night before, so it was all planned out to do it right as we all left. so i set up and did the jump. it was so far that when i landed my foot went through the roof. so i was about knee deep in hotel roof. that was the rental office roof, so they heard me. i jumped down off of there and got into a car and left. ha my first of many great escapes!

if you somehow in some odd way are reading this hotel bad?

The trip back to philly was less dramatic. we were both tired as shit from a long weekend.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How it started.

1992 - when it started

I dropped out of highschool the previous year. i had been going to hardcore shows since my freshman year in 1988. i was doing construction at the time with my father. On the weekends i was hanging out with friends and going to HC shows. i ended up being friends with some south NJ people from my area Jay kwi, Jeff Ducko, Anthony Bochello, & a few more. We ended up picking up some more friends from Ben Salem, PA. they were in this band Flagman. AJ, Josh, Ed, Al, & Dave, and thier friend Sean Mccabe. We all hung out at shows and made a mess of things fucking around. at some point in the summer of 1993 someone decided to rent an apartment in Ocean City, NJ. a 1 bedroom apt. at this place on Moorlyn Terr. called the Idlewild. I was working alot so i didnt really end up down there at the start. I saw Jay Kwi at the troc one night out front of a Quicksand show. it was sold out, i had a ticket and he didn't. I liked quicksand but had seen them a billion times. so i ended up trading my ticket to Jay Kwi for free rent at the "shore house" I didnt realize that 14-20 people would be living there. Whatever. it was awesome. people lining the floors sleeping till 4PM everyday, and up causing chaos all hours of the night. Mostly south NJ kids & Ben Salem kids. All SXE and all looking to ruin someones day. Needless to say we all became real close.

Sean was the original singer of Flagman, but it didn't work out. He couldn't sing. I think he played like 2 or 3 shows with them as Flagman i forget. being that Sean was basically the pinnacle of Insanity & intelligence they knew he needed to be a frontman. So they started Crud is A Cult as a project band. It was Flagman with Sean singing. They were a Straight Edge band at the start with songs like Dedication. Crud was the band and all our friends were the "cult" . Crud was a pretty intense band to say the least. A highlight i would have to mention is on Mischief night one year they got on stage and said "Happy Mischief Night" and Egged the crowd! Fucking awesome.

in 1994 we did OCNJ again in a a couple of different houses. At this point we had some Emmaus / Allentown PA kids hanging out. Each year we just made more and more friends and we all hung out on the boardwalk and made fun of people. sometimes the Mouthpiece dudes would show up on the weekends too. Scott Palmucchi more than most. He was the most insane kid of all. We all had our antics we pulled. but he always took it to the next level. I'll talk more specific of such antics another time. At this point we had most of the young Philadelphia / Trenton area HC scene hanging out in OCNJ on the weekends. mostly SXE kids pulling pranks & making fun of people & fighting locals. These storys are endless. again, i'll talk about it later. I lived in the most random house ever. It was a normal friend of Jay Kwi. this girl Allison. she wasnt a HC kid. but they had a room they wanted to rent out. so me & Jay rented it from them. eventually Sean and Nate shared the room with us too. The rest of the house were some random people. Arian Bob "the surfer dude", Alison and her friend were normal College girls, & Shivo. He was this like hippie/surfer/pothead/hairy dude. he also had a Tattoo of a crushed beer can on his leg. i knew it was a beer can because it said "Beer" on it. Yeah hes a whole Blog by himself. Amy Sunny, Vern Laird, Dan Murphy & a few others still had like apts in the Idlewild that year. So this year we were a little expanded. we had more people down there and more chaos insued. this year Dave Rosenberg (Crud / Flagman) had been playing Bass in Mouthpiece. One day we were sitting in Gyro across from the Chatterbox eating. He dropped a bomb on me. He said he had stopped being SXE a few months back and didnt tell anyone. Especially Mouthpiece. He had played a few shows after breaking edge and didnt know what to do. He ended up quitting the band obviously. This was an important moment. he was the first to break edge. We were all SXE HC kids at the time so this changed things. one by one most of our crew followed suit. by the end of the summer into the winter crud was no longer a SXE band. Sean Mccabe wrote a lot of Graffitti with Dan that summer. He was writing SER "Straight Edge Revenge" by the end of that winter half of Crud wasnt Edge. and half of our friends wern't either. Honestly this didnt change much. we were all still real close. no lines were really drawn. I remember for like a week at some point i got all "Super Straight Edge" because i was pissed. It wasn't me. i couldn't hate my friends.

By the following summer me, Al & Vern were really the only SXE kids left. Sean stopped being SXE like a month before they recorded the Crud 7" for Windward records. Al had to sing Dedication on the record because it was a SXE song. Al was playing in Battery by the spring. While he was away his girlfriend cheated on him with his brother (Dave from crud / FM) & the Bass player of Crud. when he got back and found out...he then sold out. Thats when i realized that people are free to make their own choices if they want to be SXE or not. It really has nothing to do with anymore other than yourself. He made his choice because he felt thats what he needed. im not gonna lie.... i was bummed when i found out. but its his life and i respected that.

1995 - we rented this big house. it was real nice. me, AJ & his girlfriend, & 2 others. everyone came down and stayed there. This summer was different. Most everyone was drinking doing drugs & partying instead of causing insanity on the boardwalk. i was the only SXE kid in the house but i was having fun. The sound track for that summer was Rollerskate Skinny & Loveless. Everyone seemed to be more adult than the previous years. we all had jobs and didnt live in squaller.

That winter i moved away to Salt Lake city to work doing construction with my dad on the road. i would be gone for like 4 months at a time. This didnt work out. I missed my friends. They had all moved to a house at 1335 Rodman st in philly. I decided to move back and was on a train 20 hours later. There was an earth crisis show at U of Arts i wanted to get back in time for. The house was like a block away from the show. so i stopped by and checked it out. it was just like the shore. people hanging out & had the same vibe. Dan murphy had gotten a Place with Mike Levy down 13th st. on the corner of vine. Basically everyone up and moved into philly at the same time. i came in a couple months later.

when i got back from SLC I moved into my moms new house across the street from where i grew up at my grandmothers. she had gotten married and started a new family. my grandmother had died so they sold the house and put all my stuff in my moms basement. i was in a situation where i didnt really fit in anywhere. my roots were gone. after a fight with my mother one night i up and took a bus to philly and moved onto the couch at rodman st.

This was the beginning for me.


In search of Independence,
in search of Liberty,
I've found everything
I'll ever always need.
You're so crazy!
I couldn't escape it if i wanted to!
We're sorry we took it over;
like you ever wanted to?
Its the twisted pretzel logic
that makes us cracked
like the Liberty Bell.
Have you ever been to the city of hell?
Are you down with the sound
of this devil town?
My diagnosis...
I found my soul
in the hard grey concrete,
I found my soul
in the partners like Nopemeak
I found my soul
in the junkietalkdopespeak
But who would have thought
I'd kill you all right now?


Philadelphia. A dot on the world in the middle of NYC and Washington DC, 2 Meccas of Punk Rock & Hardcore. Both have lots of history into the origins of Punk and how it transitioned into Hardcore. Philly always rode on the coat tales of both of these cities when it came to having an active influential scene. in the 1980's we had bands like the Pagan Babies & Ruin. I was just a kid back then and i didn't really know about these bands till i got older. I grew up 30 min from philly, but always went to shows at City Gardens & Unisound. Philly had the occasional show at Revival I went to at the start of the 90's. This was my introduction to the city. I was still a South Jersey kid came here maybe once every 4 months for a show. Little did I know at that point that Philadelphia would become a huge part of who I am in later years. 

This Blog is about just that. Philadelphia and my perception & involvement. How it turned me into the person i am today. People & bands that influenced me.  This will be a long random story. I'm not going to set any ground rules here. Im just going to talk about whatever i want to.  It will involve philly & its unsaid history .....thats about it. 

I called it Philapsychosis because Ink & Dagger were a huge start to where we all are now. The song shows a shadow of the craziness that Philly holds.