Wednesday, February 13, 2008

1335 Rodman st. Phila,PA & death

This house was an unstable mess of people. Drugs were in, SXE was limited, Uniracer was the game to play. I moved in about 3 months after i got back from Salt Lake. I didnt have a room, i just kinda floated around to different beds when they weren't occupied. I had a dresser in Seans room that i kept all my crap in. I was working in NJ doing construction so i wasn't around to much during the week. Taking the patco every morning kinda sucked in the winter. Coming home to a blazing mess of spilled beer and all night partys wasnt the best either. But i had fun living there. When i first moved in Sean was still SXE. or at least one of the times. He flip flopped a few times before he fully stopped being Edge. So i ended up being the last of a dying breed in that house. All was good, i didnt really care. at this point i realized i was SXE for my own personal choice, and they did too. It never affected our friendships. We did a few shows in the basement once in a while. I remember crud played there and it was more like a house party than a show. Ducko lived on the other couch. He had decided to take his check book and write about $10,000 worth of bad checks in his own name. So at this point he was homeless and jobless, and basically trying to stay under the radar. I was doing the construction thing, and doing dialers and smaller scams once in a while to earn extra cash. It was the winter and construction always slows down. Sean started this band with Don from frail called Mandella Strikeforce. Kind of a precursor to Ink & Dagger. They were a great band totally doing something different. If you can find the demo or split 7" online i suggest checking it out. Don hung out at the house a lot. Rich Kiple lived there early on. He was the guy that i met my first day of high school and he got me into SXE. we both skated, so we ended up hanging out and he took me to shows. Dave Rosenberg i think moved in after rich left. Dave was getting heavy into drugs at this point. Lots of acid and trying different things. Sean started bringing home crazy weed. I remember him bring home one called G-13 it was some crazy government weed. It had a smell that made your eyes water. and it was like a little crystalized ball. there was such a high content of THC crystals that it looked like it was made of glass. Ducko started growing weed in the closet upstairs when he got a room. I remember he got these books on how to grow it. and he got really into it. e had a crazy timed light system and come airflow system in the closet. He was a pretty nuts dude in general. he was constant funtimes for all. Steve Huff lived there also i think he shared a room with maybe Jay Kwi. i forget. Huff was a skateboarder from Tabernacle, NJ around from where i grew up. He was a funny motherfucker, We had lots of good times. I remember one time he was WAYYYY wasted and couldnt drive his truck back from a party we were at. so i drove. I didnt have a license at the time,a nd he was in the back seat with his girlfriend amy. They were both ripped beyond belief. There was some random dude in the back of he truck in the cargo area. Now picture this scenerio. Im driving, dude in the way back behind huff and amy. dude in the passenger seat and me driving with no license. The windows are getting all fogged up, and i look back and steve is fucking amy in the back seat. all i see is steves ass in missionary position. then to top it off i hear what will become a long standing joke from that point on. amy says "STEVE FUCK ME HARDCORE!" hahah wow, the whole whole truck started laughing. im at a red light and the dude in the front seat says "i cant fucking deal with this, and gets out of the truck. he gets into someone elses car. meanwhile steve is still drunkinly banging out amy in the back seat. Yeah steve was good times. Amy was a nice girl too.

haha i just rememberd , at that party i convinced her that i had a twin brother name Ron. I would change my jacket and take off my hat and go up to her and ask if she saw my brother Robby. i did this all night, and kept the joke going on for like a year or 2.

I think this is also the show that Han Solo Solo played. This was a band with scott "scratch" palmuchi singing and Tony "dreed" rettman playing bass or guitar. everytime they played i would get into a fake fight with tony. i think it actually started at this show. when they were playing i was throwing beer cans at tony. and we just ended up fighting... not for real, but we made it look real. It was funny. when they played middlesex one time we got into a full on brawl with eachother... it looked real and it was awesome.

anyhow im drifting off. 1335. Crud wrote a song about this house called "rodday". the lyrics are this:

We are B. Paid, We are the dutch, We are Kano, We are BTT.
We aint payin We aint stayin...thirteen thirty five.

In the demo there is an explaination for the song:
Last year, which resided many cult member. This house was believed to inhabit a certain energy nd sure enough, if you were there for any reason, you left different. This song is about friendship amongst cult members, and destroying a house. enjoy!

B.paid, the duthe, Kano & BTT were all "crews" we made up for some funny reason or whatever. BTT actually started out as a grafitti crew with Nope & Sero. Sero was Seans Tag after he stopped being SXE. it was Straight Edge Revenge = SER. then he broke edge he added Once on the end of it. it was a funny joke at the time. so yeah he was now SERO. Kano spawned from playing Mortal Kombat when it first came out. We even had Tshirts that nathan made. I was decent, but Ducko, jay Kwi, Sean were amazing at it. and even better than all of them was Seans little brother Brian Mccabe. He was a god at it. there wasnt an arcade he couldn't destroy in. Dutch and Bpaid were just something that happened randomly one night at a party or some shit. who knows. it was all just fun.

This house did change anyone that went there. I almost died in it. and im not exaggerating at all. The story goes.......

I was working out doors doing construction in NJ this winter. I had a cold but kept going to work. i kept getting sicker and sicker. i guess eventually for got bronchitis. But yet i still had my work ethic and kept going to work. We were doing new work at the time doing roofing and siding. I was at work coughing up blood on this COOL day. it was an actual like 3 F, but with wind chill it was like -22F. Not good if you have bronchitis i suppose. my boss said i was too sick to be doing this so he dropped me off at my moms (we were working near there) for the day and picked me up on his way back. i got home that night and went to sleep. Now for the next 27 hours i was in a halucinating mess of being sorta awake and mostly asleep. so i dont really know what happened. I remember vern coming over and talking to me and when he closed the door a huge iron block hit me in the face and knocked me out. Vern never came over that day. I imagined it all. at one point i remember looking outside and all the buildings looked like a fat albert cartoon. like all grafitti looking. another imaginary world moment was when i thought i had been paralyzed in a war involving horses. like a battle in england with knights and catapolts. I remember laying there not being able to move but hearing this chaos outside. it turns out they were jack hammering and doing road work right out front.

over the course of this 27 hours i had woken up in 4 different beds, the kitchen floor, and the shower with cold water running on me, and the couch. i just remember not being able to stay awake no matter what i did. i thought i was dying and couldnt do a thing to prevent it. turns out i was right. after my roomates couldnt find me they went on a hunt for me. i was in huffs bed covered in vomit and sweating like i just got out of a pool. my feet and hands were swollen and my arms and legs had sores on them. I wasnt making sense when i was talking. and when they talked to me i heard the peanuts teacher voice. WAH WAH WHA WAHWAH. and the floor was made of glass so i could see downstairs. Yeah i was out of it. Amy alniki (seans girlfriend) was sitting by my side while they were all arguing what to do. cory decided to call my mother, she told them to have my dad in las vegas talk to me. so they called him. i guess he talked to me and told them to call 911. something wasnt right. when they got there the house was still in party shambles. bongs everywhere, beer spilled and piled up all over. The ambulance guy was convinced i ODed. they were all wrecked off their asses but were telling him i was the only one in the house that was straight... haha he didnt believe them. it was a crazy old city curved stairway. so they couldnt get me out of they with a bed. so they had to slide me down the steps because i couldnt walk.

When i got to the hospital, my mother and her husband showed up. The doctor said i was about 2 hours from death because i had been sweating and throwing up with out drinking anything for over a day. i was that dehydrated i was about to die. I had symptoms of Spinal Menengitis. SO they had to do a Spinal Tap. Now i dont know what you know about this procedure. at the time i knew nothing about it. so i was like OK, go for it. I had t sign a paper saying i was OK with it. fine...they made me curl up into a ball and hold me there as they put a needle up my spine to get fluid. if i moved i could be paralyzed. and your body feels like you are being pumped with 10,000 volts all at once. you are shaking and you cant control anything. it was the most pain i had ever been in. they had to do it 3 TIMES!!!!. fuck that. after the second one i just wanted to die.

They had to quarentene the house in case i had SM for like a week. it turns out my bodys immune system was so battered from being so sick and working outside that i caught a rare virus that only 4 people got in the delaware valley that year. they had specialist come in from all over to look at me. people that vistited me had to be in suits with masks. it was a scary time. on top of that i couldnt walk for like 2 weeks. my muscles had gotten so bad from the virus that they didnt work well. i was in there in intensive care / isolation for like a month. when i got out i walked with a limp for about 2 months. It was a hard time.

That time in the hospital made me think about life a lot. thats when i got out of construction because it wasnt making me happy. i wanted more out of life. being that close to death will effect the rest of your life.

so thats 1335 in a nutshell. it was a crazy time for all. it was just the beginning for philadelphia.


jenibender said...

completely crazy house. i remember when that happened to you.

also... mandela. man what great music.

-jenni bender.

Death Metal Dan said...

You oughta post mp3s with some of these blogs, for the hard-to-find stuff like Mandela Strikeforce. Just sayin'.

Kevin Mack said...

In all the years that I have known you how the hell did I never khow about that near death experience?
And Kano was more than playing video kind of took on a life of its own...I remember talking to some girls up here in PA who were down in OC for senior week heard about those "Kano guys" and they had nothing to do with our circle of friends or hardcore.
I remember leaving my shore rental with a fridge full of soda cans and the night Sean got stopped by the cops in sea isle while salting machines and he convinced the cop he was collecting salt water samples for the governors school and we had all taken off back to OC and he ran all the way back
The Mandel demo is still sick..I wish I had that on cd aloong with the crud stuff.
-Kevin Mack

Ducko said...

we thought you were dying.I think I called 911.

steve h said...

that was some crazy shit, figures you were in my bed...

Loomer said...


The place: 7-11 in Bensalem

The Time: 3:30am

The Suspects: Me, you, Jkwai, SPM

The Victim: Mortal Kombat Machine.

The Crime: Trying ever so quietly to peel off the huge side stickers from the machine, so the cashier didnt hear.

The Aftermath: 2 hours, and $100 in quaters later. 2 Huge MK stickers. I think we put one on SPM's car.