Thursday, February 14, 2008

Name change

for obvious reasons, im using a different name. This was my name i used for the cops when they asked for it. i had a full backround & address made up or this name. so i figured it would work well for this.... besides Chuck U. Farley was in use.


Ducko said...

I used Ron Colson,LOL as an alias when the three fringered janitor swung at JK w/ a club because we were skating.The 6-up showed and my first instinct was lie to the police.Go figure Cheeks.

Loomer said...

You shoulda just told them your name was Lui Kang. Weren't you the fucker that always used him? Flying all over the place.. Damn near imposible to beat.

By the way. I think the hardest I have ever laughed in my life is when Laurel was recording up at Dome Studios in Royersford. The guy that owned the place (Rich?) had a camcorder, and 3 or 4 kittens. Me, you and Josh spent at least 2 hours tryng to instigate staged fights between them, and then would play them back on the VCR. I think we gave the cats nickanmes like Kitty McKitten or some shit.

And for the record, the best band ever was Titty Kitty. Nazi Straight edge band. One "i" was dotted with a swastika, the other with an X.